Demonic Signs and Wonders

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Miracles are properly defined as "works of power." Though they can be "supernatural" (going beyond, or violating, natural laws), they do not always have to. Many times, they involve the unique arrangement of circumstances and laws of nature in ways that are totally unexpected and not normal.

Because of this, there are times that evil powers can work miracles (that it, "works of power"). We need to always remember this fact; for the presence of miracles is not proof that something is from the True God.

At times, when there is "competition" between the demon-controlled miracle-worker and a genuine prophet of God, the demon-controlled miracle-worker will finally acknowledge the supremacy of God's power.

Scripture Pages that Link to Here

Exodus 7:1-25

The rod turned into a snake, etc. / The magicians could also do it, though their rods (snakes) were eaten by Aaron's.
Water (Nile River, pools, streams, etc.) turned to blood; water undrinkable; all the fish died. / The magicians were able to imitate this.

Exodus 8:1-32

Swarms of frogs, covering everything. / Magicians were able to imitate this.
Swarms of lice/gnats. (The exact meaning of the word is uncertain. It's one or the other.) / Magicians couldn't imitate this, and acknowledge that God is involved in this.

Unless otherwise noted, all notes and comments are © by Dennis Hinks.